Meeting with Heather has been incredibly helpful. I never thought we'd be able to make the changes we have so quickly. I thought it would be much harder to break the sugary snacks habit and dinner time battles with my children. Working with Heather has made it so easy. The kids are making great choices on their own and being mindful about feeding their bodies for nutrition. Heather has changed my thinking about eating and nutrition. After years of going on and off diets, I am enjoying a new perspective.
Child Nutrition Client

I came to Heather with significant digestive discomfort that had become debilitating and was affecting my day-to-day life. With her expert guidance and support, my symptoms are now managed and I am able to engage in my normal activities.
Digestive Health Client

​My LDL cholesterol level has come down, my HDL cholesterol has improved and I have lost weight. Heather has been pivotal in helping me achieve my goals. Following her approach to eating has been a refreshing change for me.
Weight Management Client

As my 70th birthday was approaching, I decided to do something once and for all about my life-long cycle of dieting and self indulgence. Through periodic coaching sessions with Heather, over several months, I have learned so much about the science of nutrition, and I am gradually learning to trust my own feelings of hunger and satiety as I plan our meals at home and in eating out. I would like to have less body fat than I do today and I trust that if I stay the course, I will reach my "set" body weight, and will feel much better about enjoying my food and feel good about my body.
Weight Management Client

Heather provided valuable support and guidance throughout my pregnancy. I made many positive health changes that were inspired by her and these changes allowed me to have a relatively "easy" pregnancy.
Prenatal Client